Development of inhalable carriers for in-situ production of natural antibiotics
GACR Standard
project no: GA23-07356S
duration: 3 years (1.1.2023 - 31.12.2025)
Allicin's high instability, which is simultaneously responsible for its persistent biological activity, has always been considered a critical weakness preventing its further use. Controlled in-situ synthesis of allicin near a target site is the only feasible way to (re)utilize its full potential. To harness allicin and other unstable compounds, it is essential to physically separate and stabilize their precursors and introduce a controlling mechanism of their synthesis. Driven by the urgency for novel approaches preventing pandemic scenarios caused by resistant bacteria, we propose to develop inhalable micro-carriers suitable for pulmonary delivery and sustained-release of insitu formed antibacterial thiosulfinates. This approach can significantly extend the limited palette of currently used active compounds for thiosulfinates, overcoming the lack of antibiotics in the near future and issues associated with their gradual accumulation in the environment.
The aim of the project are carriers of precursors of antibacterial substances suitable for inhalation therapy. The properties of the carriers will be optimized to meet the requirements for efficient deposition, production of effective concentrations of antibacterial agents safe to lung cells.
The finished projects
Dezinfekční mikročástice s prodlouženým ochranným účinkem a metoda jeho vyhodnocení
Czech Rise Up 2.0 – Výzkum proti COVID-19
project no: IDENT023
duration: 6.5.2021 - 28.2.2022
Dezinfekční přípravek schopný poskytovat účinnou ochranu po několik hodin na českém a zahraničním trhu v současné době citelně chybí. Vzrůstající poptávka po takových produktech je umocněna především současnou pandemickou krizí. Hygienické dezinfekční prostředky s prodlouženým účinkem by zamezily šíření nákazy fyzickým kontaktem hlavně tam, kde není možné či praktické využívat alternativních ochranných prostředků jako jsou jednorázové rukavice. Tyto výrobky, kde by místo alkoholu byla použita jiná účinná látka, by měly i vysoký exportní potenciál v zemích, kde je alkohol a výrobky alkohol obsahující zakázán. Počet obyvatel vyznávajících se k náboženství zakazujících alkohol je k dnešnímu dni 2,8 miliardy.
Účinnější zamezení exponenciálního roznášení nákazy fyzickým kontaktem, může hrát významnou roli nejen v omezení šíření viru COVID-19, ale i u nákaz budoucích. Současně bude připravena rigorózní metodika mechanického a antibakteriálního testování takových přípravků, která by měla pomoci objektivnímu testování produktů napříč pracovišti.
Synthesis of biomimetic nanoparticulate materials using a microfluidic platform and investigation of their interaction with cells
GACR Junior project
project no: GJ17-11851Y
duration: 3 years (1.1.2017 - 31.12.2019)
The vast advances in medicine and biology in the last half of a century reached a level of detail and understanding that allow not only the identification and characterization of human diseases and medical conditions but also, potentially, their specificity for each and every patient. These two interrelated developments, in medicine and instrumentation, respectively, open the opportunity that in the near future, the treatment of diseases will take the form of personalized medicine. The present project proposes the development of a microfluidic reactor for the controlled synthesis of nanoparticles tailored to specific applications in cancer treatment at short notice and in sufficient quantities. The process based on microfluidics systems will greatly increase the effectiveness of nanoparticle production, decrease unwanted by-products, and save time compared to standard chemical procedures. The project outcomes could constitute a pathway for personalized medicine, as in the future, many diagnostic, therapeutic, and theranostic treatments will be based on nanoparticles.
The main goal of the project is to develop and optimize a microfluidic reactor device, which can deliver, on command, with high reproducibility and high size accuracy, in a one-step process, small batches of nanoparticles tailored for the cancer treatment of specific patients.
Development of biomimetic particles for antibacterial applications
Funding program for applied research ZETA
PID: TJ01000313
duration: 2 years (1.1.2018 - 31.12.2019)
Bacterial infections cause more deaths per year than cancer and heart disease combined. The project aims to develop a drug carrier – so-called artificial garlic cells - which will use natural antibacterial substances found in garlic and related Allium plants in commercial applications such as antibacterial creams and powders for the treatment of mycoses and inflammations or sanitation of surfaces.
Within two years, our goal is to develop and optimize the process for the preparation of biocompatible carriers of precursors of highly reactive substances with antibacterial activity. Since the half-life of such substances is in the order of minutes since they originated, bacteria do not have the time to develop resistance in contrast to relatively stable synthetic antibiotics.
NewSurf: New method of surface modification for enzymatic-free cell harvesting aimed for pharmacological and medical applications
PID: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/17_107/0012489
duration: 2 years (01.07.2018 - 31.10.2020)
In co-operation with PrimeCell Therapeutics Inc.
NewSurf project is focused on the development and testing of novel polymer coating sensitive to the electromagnetic field. A sudden change of surface properties will induce the detachment of adhered cells. No need for additional chemicals or enzymes commonly used for cell detachment means lower stress for collected cells, minimal risk of cell destruction, higher yields, and more straightforward cell application without the necessity of additional purification.