
Romana Hupková and Alfréd Šouc successfully defended their bachelor theses! Congratulations, and enjoy the summer!   LBE Team

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Ing. Max Prachár

Max just defended his master’s thesis Numerical Analysis of Industrial Bioreactors! Congratulations and good luck in the future 🙂   LBE Team

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It’s a pleasure to anonce that Slavomir Kilar defended his master thesis Study of the effect of hierarchically structured surfaces on cell adhesion and proliferation. With big title comes big responsibility! All the best from LBE Team 🙂

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Bc. Alina Mamedova

On June 23, Alina defended her bachelor thesis Nanotopographic surfaces prepared by plasma etching and passed state examination with flying colors! Congratulation and enjoy the summer 🙂   LBT Team

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Bc. Kryštof Dorňák

On 19 June, Kryštof defended his bachelor thesis Preparation of thermoresponsive structured surfaces. Congratulation to your brand new longer name 😀 Best wishes LBE Team

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Ing. Lucie Večerková

We are pleased to anounce that Lucka Večerková succesfully defended her Thesis Development and testing of skin sanitizer with prolonged effectivity! It is bitter sweet moment to see you go but we wish you all the best on your new adventure! LBE Team

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Bc. Mária

Congratulation to Bc. Mária Šoltésová for defending her bachelor work! All best from LBE Team

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Ing. Eliška Večerníková

S radostí oznamujeme, že Eliška Večerníková dnes (29.8.2022) úspěšně obhájila svou diplovou práci a může se pyšnit zaslouženým titulem Ing. před jménem! Určitě pomohla i vydatná podpora před zkušební místností 😀 Hip Hip Hurrrrrreeeeeey! LBT Tým

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