Rosteme s chemií

2. ročník konference Rosteme s chemií Druhý ročník konference Rosteme s chemií, pořádaný Asociací mladých chemiků pod záštitou České společnosti chemické, úspěšně proběhl tentokrát na naší fakultě. Akce se koncem června zúčastnilo 50 mladých chemiků ve věku do 35 let, mezi kterými byl i Tomáš Nguyen. Na konferenci zazněly také zvané přednášky od zakladatelek Zeptej se vědce a od zástupců partnerských…

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Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Microfluidics at IPE

Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Microfluidics The Institute of Photonics and Electronics v. v. i.* invites applications for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow pursuing research on microfluidic systems and their integration with optical affinity biosensors. Join the Optical Biosensors research team (team leader Prof. Jiří Homola) and contribute to cutting-edge research in microfluidics. Do you want to use your theoretical knowledge of microfluidics as…

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It’s a pleasure to anonce that Slavomir Kilar defended his master thesis Study of the effect of hierarchically structured surfaces on cell adhesion and proliferation. With big title comes big responsibility! All the best from LBE Team 🙂

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Bc. Alina Mamedova

On June 23, Alina defended her bachelor thesis Nanotopographic surfaces prepared by plasma etching and passed state examination with flying colors! Congratulation and enjoy the summer 🙂   LBT Team

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Bc. Kryštof Dorňák

On 19 June, Kryštof defended his bachelor thesis Preparation of thermoresponsive structured surfaces. Congratulation to your brand new longer name 😀 Best wishes LBE Team

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SSCHE 2023

49th International Conference of SSCHEMay 15 – 18, 2023, hotel SOREA HUTNIK I, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia Lucie and Pavel prezented their work at SSCHE 2023. Contribution: Lucie Mašková: Development of inhalable formulations based on natural antibiotics Pavel Zelenka: Assessment of various CFD approaches for modeling dust behaviour in complex indoor flows

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Hot off the press!

Author Information Marie Helda, Ondřej Kašparb,c, Clive Edwardsd, and Dan V. Nicolaua,b,1 aDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, University of Liverpool, L69 3GJ Liverpool, United Kingdom; bDepartment of Bioengineering, Faculty of Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, QC H3A 0C3, Canada; cDepartment of Chemical Engineering, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Prague 166 28, Czech Republic; dSchool of Biological Sciences, University of Liverpool, L69…

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MSc. Defense!

Yeeeeeessss! Hazal, Lucka and Matěj successfully defended their theses!   Good luck in your future endeavours, careers and personal life!      

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