Our new article is out!

We are pleased to announce our newest paper Design and evaluation of composite films for in situ synthesis and antibacterial activity of allicin vapour is published and available online in the Journal of Materials Science -> check the link bellow. Special thanks goes to Lucie Mašková and Lenka Závišová for their hard work! 5 year impact factor…

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Rosteme s chemií

2. ročník konference Rosteme s chemií Druhý ročník konference Rosteme s chemií, pořádaný Asociací mladých chemiků pod záštitou České společnosti chemické, úspěšně proběhl tentokrát na naší fakultě. Akce se koncem června zúčastnilo 50 mladých chemiků ve věku do 35 let, mezi kterými byl i Tomáš Nguyen. Na konferenci zazněly také zvané přednášky od zakladatelek Zeptej se vědce a od zástupců partnerských…

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Romana Hupková and Alfréd Šouc successfully defended their bachelor theses! Congratulations, and enjoy the summer!   LBE Team

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Ing. Max Prachár

Max just defended his master’s thesis Numerical Analysis of Industrial Bioreactors! Congratulations and good luck in the future 🙂   LBE Team

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SSCHE 2024

50th International Conference of SSCHEMay 20 – 24, 2024, hotel SOREA HUTNIK I, Tatranské Matliare, Slovakia May 21, 2024 14:00–16:00 Hall B, Lectures: Bioengineering and biotechnology 15:00 Lecture Surface patterning methodology for cell cultureNguyen, V.*, Chadt, K., Adrián, E.University of Chemistry and Technology; Prague; Czechia

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ChemE-Med conference, Salerno

ChemE-Med 2024 Chemical Engineering as Applied to Medicine 20 May 2024, Salerno, Italy Session 4: 16:20-18:00 DIAGNOSTICS AND PHARMACEUTICALS DEVELOPMENT OF ANTIBACTERIAL MATERIALS BASED ON IN-SITUSYNTHESIS OF VOLATILE ALLICIN (Lecture)Kaspar O., Maskova L., Tokarova V. IN-SITU PRODUCTION OF ALLICIN VAPOUR FROM COMPOSITEFILMS TO TREAT SKIN INFECTIONS (Poster)Tokarova V., Maskova L., Zavisova L., Knejzlik Z., Kaspar…

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Just published!

Development of spray-dried powder hand sanitiser with prolonged effectivity Autors Lucie Večerková, Lucie Mašková, Zdeněk Knejzlík, Ondřej Kašpar & Viola Tokárová Info Open access Published: 28 February 2024 Volume 14, article number 4827, (2024) Cite this article PDF Abstract   Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of hand sanitisers has become an inseparable part of our personal hygiene. However, the short-term…

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Hot of the press!

Rapid screening of ternary amorphous formulations by a spray drying robot Author links open overlay panelVojtěch Klimšaa b 1, Lucie Maškováa 1, Ondřej Kašpara, Gabriela Ruphuya b, František Štěpáneka a Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Technická 3, 166 28 Prague, Czech Republic b Levare s.r.o., Jičínská 226/17, 130 00 Prague, Czech Republic Received 30 October 2023, Revised 13 December 2023, Accepted 22 December 2023, Available…

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